
16 January 2015

Our Staycation at Radisson Blu Resort, Fujairah (Part 2)

The next morning, Caila woke up before any of us. Maybe she wanted to enjoy the early morning peace or she didn’t want to wake up me or Hubby, I don’t know…but when I woke up, I saw her sitting on one of the balcony chairs looking out and staring at the scene in front of her. She was deep in thought and didn’t notice me until she heard the camera after I took this picture.
Soon after, Hubby and Sophie woke up and we all headed to Breeze again for breakfast. But we didn’t go straight there, though. The girls saw the boat and cart from last night and wanted their pictures taken again.

Then they saw the lifeguard chair and climbed up that.

And as we walked on, Sophie saw some majlis and wanted me to take a picture with her
And then she wanted a shot alone =)
After breakfast, since they hadn’t had the chance the day before, Hubby and I decided to take the girls to one of the pools for a swim. And they were absolutely delighted! Just look at their faces in these pictures as soon as they got in

After Caila and Sophie had enough swimming and changed into proper clothes, we saw a Children’s Playground just nearby which had a seesaw, spring rider, and jungle gym. Of course they had to try those out

As we walked back to our room, the colourful flowers near the pavement caught Sophie’s attention, prompting her to kneel down and take a whiff (they didn’t have any smell though).

Later after we had a quick lunch, the girls wanted to walk around the Resort again. So while Hubby finished packing, I accompanied Caila and Sophie around while taking more of their pictures.

Finally it was time go. A bellboy came promptly after our call and loaded the trolley with our bags. Too lazy to walk, the girls scrambled on, enjoying the ride all the way to the lobby.
Again, our time at the Reception didn’t take long, and as we turned to leave after settling our payment, we were pleased to see our car was waiting just outside the doors with our bags already inside.

As Hubby drove us back home, the girls and I managed to stay awake for a few more minutes to enjoy the scenery that we were unable to see last Thursday.

The entire weekend was simply not enough for us to try all the activities the Resort offered. I’m sure if we could have afforded to stay much longer, we would have definitely done so. There were just so many things to try and do! Of course, as you can tell, we really enjoyed ourselves at Radisson Blu Resort, Fujairah. Kudos to their entire team for allowing us to have such a memorable stay.


  1. Lovely photos! You take great pictures!

    1. Thank you, Grace. The magic of a DSLR camera :)

  2. Your girls are amazing! They make lovely poses each and every time!

    1. I was lucky, I guess. Usually I have to beg my eldest to at least smile. I'd like to believe they really enjoyed the place.
