
18 May 2020

Ten Years of Blogging!

Happy 10th Blogversary to me!

Wow! 10 years, 777 posts and countless friends made just by sharing glimpses of my life...or as I called it in the beginning, my blabbers and thoughts.

11 May 2020

I Have My Reasons

It's been a year since my last post?! Whoops! My bad. However, I do have a valid reason why I've been on hiatus this long. Well, two reasons actually.

If you read my last couple of posts, you'll know that I was pregnant then, and ergo, I gave birth. And everyone knows how having a baby keeps you busy and tired. So much that even though you have a nanny to help, all you want to do when you have free time is sleep, right? Well, right now is one of the rare moments when I pushed myself to stay awake and update this blog while the little prince is sleeping and this laptop isn't being used, so here I am 😊