
20 December 2015

My 2015 Wish List

Just 5 days until Christmas! Time sure is flying fast. Has everyone completed their shopping? Hands up to the procrastinators this year, and let’s high five ☺

Hubby and I were way behind on our preparations (actually, we still are), but fortunately we had some free time yesterday to buy presents for most of the kids we know. Now all we need to do is wrap them. Unfortunately, though, this will probably have to wait until Thursday (the day before Christmas) because that’s the only free time we will have. Yikes!  This happens to us every year, and the following year, we still don’t learn our lesson to shop early. Oh well. We like the feeling of the Christmas rush, I guess ☺

Apart from Christmas gifts, I still haven’t bought a gift for Hubby’s birthday yet. Yes, I know it’s already very late (since his birthday was last December 6)…but it’s hard to choose what to give men, right? I always just end up asking him what he wants. But then again, even he doesn’t know what he wants me to get him. Sheesh!

On the other hand, I know what I want. Aside from good health and long life for me and my family, of course.  Given na yun.  What I meant are material things that can be bought.  Naturally, I’m not expecting Hubby to buy all of them for me. I’ll probably buy some of them myself since this is the only time each year I get to splurge a bit and reward myself for the past year.

Family Planner
Since we’re always busy with households, school and community activities, parties, and other occasions throughout the year, I think this family planner would be a great help for us to remember and keep track of all these events. I like that it has detachable shopping lists, so we don’t have to look for pieces of paper to list down the grocery items we need. And I also like that it has back pockets to keep those pieces of papers and notices inside. I saw this in WH Smith in Dubai Mall last month, but when we went back there yesterday, it was already out of stock. Anyway, I’ll check out their other branches some other time and hope that they have it.

No, I’m not joking. I really want a pair of Heelys. Breezing through the park or mall on wheels would be so much fun, don’t you think? It will definitely help you go from one point to the other faster.  Who cares if I look like an overgrown kid?  Remember, as George Bernard Shaw said: "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."  Anyway, when we bought Caila hers in Seattle, we also tried looking for a pair for me. Unfortunately though, they didn’t have any available in adult sizes. Fast forward back to Dubai a couple of weeks ago, I saw that Hamleys in Mirdif City Centre was selling them. However, they didn’t have any of the colours and designs I liked in my size (shown below). We checked their other branch in Dubai Mall, but still nothing. Oh well. We’ll see if these roller shoes are meant for me or not.

Winter Jacket
I know it doesn’t snow here in Dubai (at least not the kind that we’d like to have), but fingers crossed, my sister and I just might get to visit a winter wonderland sometime early next month. If it pushes through, I need to have a reliable jacket that will keep me bundled up and warm while we enjoy the snow. Problem is these insulated jackets don’t come in cheap, and I’m not too keen on the idea of shelling out a lot of money for something I’ll only use once for a short period of time. Again, we’ll see. The Dubai Shopping Festival is coming up so hopefully I’ll find a nice, affordable jacket when our plans are finalized.

Crossbody Bag 
Whenever we go out, I always like to keep my hands free so that I can hold both of my kids’ hands if they want to run off and I need to keep them by my side, or carry other things. Also, I hate it that shoulder bags often fall off the shoulder if it isn’t balanced right. Which is why I prefer using crossbody bags over hand- or shoulder-bags when we go to the mall, church, gatherings at the park, or wherever. I have a couple, but one is pretty old (I bought it more than 12 years ago in the Philippines), and the other is too small to put all my stuff and doesn’t have as many pockets as I’d like. I haven’t seen one up close that matches all my requirements (in terms of price range, size, material, colour, and number of pockets), but upon checking the internet, the Medici RFID Cena Organizer Crossbody seems ok to me.
So that’s my Christmas wish list. Care to share yours? ☺

By the way, if you haven’t yet, do join my giveaway. Five gift cards worth Dhs100 each are up for grabs, courtesy of LBC. All you have to do is click on this link and follow the instructions given. Who knows? You just might be one of the winners and you can buy something from your wish list (or someone else's, if you're generous ☺).

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