
22 February 2015

Our Postponed / Extended V-Day

I know the Day of Hearts was a week ago, but I wanted to share how ours went. Humor me, ok? =)

Valentine’s Day fell on a weekend (for most) this year. It was a working Saturday for me, so while I was stuck at the office, Hubby was at the KFC monthly activity. At around 10:30am, he called me to go down the office building and I just knew he had something for me. I was right.
three red roses!
Kilig ako, of course. We don’t usually celebrate this day, so I always appreciate his efforts when he goes out of his way to make me feel special.

That afternoon was my first physiotherapy session, so I headed to the hospital right after work. By the end of the 30-minute session, Hubby and Caila had already arrived at the hospital and were waiting for me at the lobby. We then headed to another hospital where Caila had a 6:30pm appointment; she had been having cough and fever on and off since Thursday night, and the Voltaren and Adol we were giving didn’t seem to be helping. While waiting, Hubby and I talked as to whether we should have dinner someplace after, and if so, where. We suggested a variety of restaurants, but in the end, we just went home. The reason? We spent too much time at the hospital! You see, we arrived at 6:10pm, the doctor saw Caila at 7:20pm (almost an hour after her scheduled appointment!), we went to the Pharmacy for the prescribed medicines at 7:50pm, and was finally served 45 minutes later! By the time we left the hospital, it was almost 9 o’clock. Fed up with all the time we wasted by just waiting, we decided to reschedule our date for the following day.

The next day (Sunday), our original plan was to go to mass, have dinner, and then buy groceries. So after work, we went to St. Mary’s Church for the 6pm mass, then headed to Deira City Centre. As we got out of the lift in the mall, Hubby said he wanted to go to the Nike store first to check out the recently released Jordan shoes. I just rolled my eyes, made a silly face to tease him, and followed. We saw Jenny and her sisters on their way for their post-Valentine’s dinner so we chatted a bit, and then we headed to Nike. And then we bumped into Joel and Lhen, who did a great job of convincing us to forget our dinner plans and join them in watching a movie. When they told me it was a spy movie, I knew I wouldn’t like it because for sure there would be violence. But since I was outnumbered, I just went along. So instead of a sit-down dinner at a restaurant, Hubby and I ended up having panini from Tim Horton’s, a hotdog, nachos, and slush from the cinema food stand.
I have to admit that I was wrong about Kingsman: The Secret Service. It was amazing! Sure it was a James Bond-ish kind of movie, but at least there wasn’t sex (well, there was in the end, but it was just implied). There were some parts that were too gruesome and violent for me that I had to cover my eyes, but all in all, it was a very entertaining film. And Eggsy (portrayed by Taron Egerton), despite his weird nickname, turned out to be pretty handsome when he donned the tuxedo. In my opinion, a bespoke suit can make any man good-looking. Add a pair of nice glasses and a nice smile, and you’ve got a fine gentleman in my eyes =)
The movie was more than 2 hours long, so by the time it ended, it was already late. So we just went home and postponed our grocery-shopping for the next day.

On Monday, we went back to DCC and went straight to PF Chang’s where we ordered their Four-Course Menu.
Egg Drop Soup (one each)
Chicken Lettuce Wraps (starter)
Kung Pao Chicken (entree 1)
Honey Shrimp (entree 2)
Banana Spring Rolls (dessert)
Drinks weren’t included, so I had pineapple juice while Hubby had iced tea. It was one of the rare times that we had a set menu meal (usually we just have an appetizer and an entrĂ©e), so we were so full by the time we ate the last piece of sophisticated turon =) The unlimited rice wasn’t as sticky as I remembered, but other than that, everything we had was delicious. It’s called “Chang’s for 2,” but with their big servings and our little stomachs, we still had leftovers which we asked to be packed for takeaway in the Chinese boxes.

After Hubby paid the bill, we headed to Carrefour to shop for groceries.

And that’s how our Valentine’s was spent in 3 days =)


  1. : that's sweet! ^_^ and the foods Looks deLicious! ^_^

  2. Great phots, made me hungry!

  3. Hi Ms. Pam, natawa ako sa reaction mo nung inaya ka sa Nike. Ganyang ganyan din ako everytime. Minsan nga nagpapaiwan nako sa labas kasi memorized ko na ata lahat ng displays nila! hahaha Anyway, we love PF Changs too :)
