
02 February 2015

A Late Birthday Gift of Time

A couple of weeks ago, I finally bought my gift for Hubby’s birthday (which was last December 6). Yeah, I know… overdue and very late. I had good reasons though: (1) I was waiting for the DSF sales and promos, and (2) It was taking him a long time to choose. Again =) The thing is, I didn’t want to get him another gadget. My past gifts to him were a laptop, iPhone 4, LED television screen, and Samsung Galaxy Note (I can’t remember which one, though). I knew he would have loved to receive a pair of Jordan shoes but he had several of those already, and I didn’t want to feed on his hobby. What I wanted to give him was a watch. The catch was he’s never worn or owned a watch during his entire adult life; the last one he had was when he was still in college, so I didn’t know what he would like.

Finally while we were in Lulu Hypermarket, we passed by Hour Choice and just looked around. He saw one that he liked, and considering the discounted price, it seemed like a good offer. But because he was hesitant, we didn’t get it.

The next day, I checked the internet for feedback of that particular timepiece. Seeing that the reviews were positive and the prices online were much higher than what the salesman quoted, I convinced Hubby that it would be a good buy. So after work, we headed to Mirdiff City Centre in the hopes that the branch there would give a lower price or better offer…just like when I bought my AK Charm Bracelet watch last year.

The salesman there offered us 2 options: buy the watch at 24% off, or pay the full price and get a voucher equivalent to 50% that can be used at any of the Rivoli Group stores. After some contemplating and deliberation, Hubby said it would be better to pay the full price and I would choose another watch to use the voucher.

And that’s how we got these 2 Tissot watches at a really great deal:
PRS200 for Hubby and PR100 for me
Not only are they awesome, but the boxes they came in were cool too. Check it out:
Images of Tissot watches through the centuries/decades/years
Not your ordinary watch-box
Upon opening, you can see it has small compartments at the sides to keep the warranty and receipt
It looks like a stack or box of small books when seen from the back
Tadah! These brochures are kept in those slots
Didn’t I tell you the boxes were cool?!

Hubby felt a bit uncomfortable when he started wearing the watch (he said it felt heavy), but now he’s becoming used to it. It helped as well that it actually looks good on him and makes him look stylish (Ok, maybe that's just my opinion.  I am his wife, after all. Hahaha!)

In case you're wondering, here are the features of the Tissot PRS200:
• Stainless steel bracelet and case
• Scratch-resistant sapphire crystal glass
• Water resistant
• Rotating bezel dial

According to the reviews I read, it’s a great, quality timepiece that lasts a very long time, and can withstand all sorts of everyday-wear abuse.  Now that's a good investment...and a great gift.


  1. Hi Miss Pam, My boyfriend loves Jordan shoes too. However, like you, I don't think buying a lot of pairs is practical. Mas ok iinvest ang money somewhere else. :)

    1. Hi, Mauh! Nakakaloka ang Jordan shoes, 'no? =) I agree that hard-earned money should be invested in things that give high returns in the long run. But of course you need to reward yourself with a few simple pleasures sometimes =)

  2. Nice watch, mahal daw kasi kaya mabigay watch. :) It's better late than never.

  3. Nice and perfect choice as gift for your hubby. I agree buying a it expensive gift is an investment. (

  4. I think it's a great gift for the hubby. Napaisip tuloy ako. My husband doesn't wear a watch often..hmmn..malayo pa ang birthday nya though.

    BTW, you're such a thoughtful wife. :)

  5. Those are really lovely time pieces which you bought. I'm sure you hubby loved your present.

  6. Nice!!! Well, looks like he really enjoyed the gifts! You're one thoughtful wife! Ha ha ha.. :) Men love to receive watches and pair of shoes noh? Lalo na if like those one you gave him.:)

  7. Its better late than never hehe... Nice watches! :)

  8. According to my husband, who happens to be one of the most kuripot people I've known, spending a little more to get a good (if not the best) quality is reasonable since men don't usually have any other accessory to wear except for an elegant piece of watch. I got my husband a Fossil watch too as a birthday gift when we were still bf and gf.

  9. Wow! Tissot. Great gift. I like this brand of watch. But it's really expensive. I remember buying two in behalf of my brother when we were still in KSA. The price is cheaper ithere, since there's no additional tax there.

  10. Aw! Cute watch! Para syang couple watch. :D

  11. Our husbands are the same in some way! Hubby is also not into watches and has also a high-maintenance hobby!

  12. Nice pair or watch :) As early of now, I am already thinking of what to give mu dear husband on his birthday.

  13. Wow. You give expensive gifts. The watch is nice. Your husband is indeed happy with the gift and you also got something for yourself. What a steal!

  14. Awesome expensive watch! How I wish I can buy that stuff too! And oh? Jordan shoes, who wouldn't love them? :) A jordan shoe collector here too!

  15. I love that watch and so perfect for both you ha. Pair na pair lang talaga. You guys look great on those watches.:)
