
22 June 2013

27th of may 2013

Hubby had applied for a week’s leave from work from the 26th to the 30th of May; and since I was still on leave that week, this gave us an opportunity to spend the day of our anniversary together. We didn’t do much though, because we had already booked our family for a 2 night stay at a hotel for the upcoming weekend, and our gifts to each other were already magastos. So we just celebrated that day simply.

We started that day by attending the morning mass at St. Mary’s Church, just the two of us. Again, it was a refreshing change to be able to sit inside the church that wasn’t packed. After that, we went back home.

Later, Hubby and I left again to take care of some errands. And then, because his hair had grown too long and I wanted a new look for myself, we each went to separate parlors to have our hair cut. Right after that, we passed the time at Caribou Coffee in Deira City Centre where we took advantage of one of the coupons in our Entertainer books (which we won, by the way) and their free wi-fi to download some apps on Tisay. By lunchtime, we headed back home for a delicious home-cooked meal prepared by Mama.

The 27th isn’t complete for our family without a meal outside, so that evening, we all went to Mall of the Emirates to meet my sister and have dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. Again, we used another Entertainer coupon at the restaurant. After we’d had our fill, we took the kids to The Toy Store where they simply enjoyed looking around. We ended the night early because Caila still had school the following day; so since Hubby and I were both on leave and we would be staying in a hotel that weekend, Mama, Gabe (my nephew), and Yaya Juliet left with my sister, and our family headed back home in the opposite direction.

And that’s how we spent the day of our 5th anniversary.

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