
10 March 2012

the secret i’ve been keeping

I haven’t been completely honest for the past 3 months. Although I’ve been hinting about my condition in a few posts, it’s only now that I’m confident to share the news here. Why only now? Well, let’s just say I wanted to get past the risky period first before revealing it. Although many of our friends know (when they ask, we answer), Hubby and I haven’t declared it openly (via FB) yet. I’m sure you can guess what it is, but just to keep you guessing, here’s a rundown of the posts that have clues:
Satisfying My Burger Craving at Fuddruckers
Conflict in Schedule
Stress, Patience, and Patients

And here are some photos to confirm what you’ve been suspecting:
Yup, I’ve got a bun in the oven! Or in lay man’s terms: I’m pregnant! Hurray! Yes, it was planned, and I’m now 12 weeks along. No, we don’t know yet if it’s a boy or girl, but we’re keeping our fingers crossed for a boy (para quota na). On the day I got a positive result on the pregnancy test, we told Caila that she would be getting a new brother or sister, and amazingly, she’s been totally fine with it. And because of this, she insists that we call her “ATE Caila” (except when she’s in her “I’m STILL the baby” moods). She was even the one who gave it the name “Baby Tummy,” and since then, that’s what we’ve been calling the little one.

So, that’s my secret. It was really difficult for me not to say anything here because this blog is like my journal…so instead, I decided to make a separate one (although it’s not online yet) to record my pregnancy. But now that it’s out in the open, you can expect me to share many of my pregnancy experiences in the coming months here in my blog.

Meanwhile, I’d like to ask you to please pray for my and Baby Tummy’s health. We’re not at risk or anything (at least I hope not), but I’m sure many of you know that it isn’t easy being a working mother who’s pregnant at the same time. As I mentioned earlier, we’re really hoping that this next one is a boy, but of course what’s important is that God gives us a healthy and normal (i.e. no abnormalities and defects) baby.


  1. congrats sis!! we'll pray for your safe journey for baby tummy.. (dubai n@wies)

  2. thanks, sis! and thanks for visiting :)

  3. congrats, sis!

  4. thanks, sis! wish ko lang maka-attend ako kahit isang playgroup ng south n@wies pag nakauwi kami for vacation (kung kelan man yun) :)
