
13 November 2011

oh christmas tree

Since coming to the Middle East, I’ve never put up a Christmas tree in my apartment. During my first 2 years, I spent the holidays in the Philippines; and then from my third year until 2009, I was too lazy to put up any Christmas decorations because I was living alone anyway and my studio apartment was too small. If it weren’t for a hanging décor sent from my family in Germany, my place would have really looked blah during all those Christmases.

Late last year we moved to a bigger apartment, but then hubby and I were just too busy sorting out our stuff and stressed out about Ate Cel’s visa to shop around for a tree, lights and decorations. Instead, we just hung the German décor outside our door so that we could feel the season at least a teensy bit.

But things have changed now because finally, for the first time, we have a Christmas tree at home. Hooray! Thanks to my sister who asked us to store some of her things at our apartment (which included the tree and all the trimmings to be used) when she moved early this year.

It’s not a big one though, and gifts are still to be bought and/or wrapped, but this tree and the early arrival of the cold weather are enough for us to really feel that the happiest time of the year is coming.
Now, Santa Claus hanging outside our door won’t have to shoulder the burden of being the only one to make us feel merry this Christmas.

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