
12 July 2011

sharjah aquarium

Our daughter loves looking at fishes; she very obviously showed her interest by staring at them when we stayed at Atlantis. Since it had been more than a month since then, almost two months since we watched the show at Dubai Dolphinarium, much longer since we visited Dubai Mall, and we’ve never even entered Sharjah Aquarium, we decided to visit the place on the Friday of the recent three-day weekend.

The entrance fee for Caila was free, so we only had to pay Dhs20 each for myself, hubby and Ate Cel. I honestly thought that we would just go through a tunnel, but there were actually a lot of things to see. Here are some photos we took that day:
models of all sorts of marine life were hanging from above as we entered the building

a painting on the wall

small fish


Hubby looking up as a fish passes above him

Ate Cel inside the tunnel

more fish

near the mangroves and rock pools: Caila fooling around and Ate Cel looking serious

still more fish

on the bridgeway where we could see all sorts of fish below

a fish and his sidekicks (hehehe)

a kind of ray

We were hungry by the time we finished so the café and Krispy Kreme stand were a welcome sight

family picture

the gift shop

Outside, there was a children’s play area where Caila wanted to play in but we wouldn’t allow her because of the sandstorm that was passing

pretty flowers that bade us goodbye

There were so many glass cases, the tunnel, rock pools, mangroves, and finally an enclosed bridgeway...all of which contained all sorts of marine life. All in all, I’d have to say that our experience was fair. Although we’re not really interested in fishes, just looking at the different sea creatures was amazing. You can bet our daughter had a great time so it was a really good idea to take her there. Despite being a Friday, there weren’t that many people visiting, so that was good. I don’t like crowded places where you have to push and shove and you have to wait so long to look at something. The entrance fee wasn’t too costly and there were so many colorful marine animals to see. It’s definitely a great place for parents to take their children during holidays or weekends.

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