
05 July 2011

i'm in today's 7 days!

I’m so happy! A picture of me, 2 other mothers, and Chef Gert is in the 7 days newspaper today!

Actually, I didn’t find out until Gina (my friend in SFC) sent me an sms this morning asking if I was the one in the cooking class picture in the newspaper. And then Alma (another friend from SFC) sent a message on facebook asking the same question. The actual newspaper isn’t distributed in our building, but luckily Gina sent me the link to their site...and it was definitely me!!!

I promise I’ll share all the details of the cooking class later...that is as soon as I get over my excitement.

That’s two national publications of my face in 6 months! The first one was on Gulf News, and now this! Wow!

I can’t stop smiling! =)

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