
02 June 2011

good ko 'to!

Last night, hubby had a meeting with our Unit leader and brothers at McDonald’s, and since they have a playplace there for kids, he decided we should all go. So off we went to the Golden Arches in Spinney’s Bur Dubai.

The first good thing that happened was that as soon as he parked the car and I opened my door, I found a parking ticket on the road for until 7:18pm! We had arrived at 6:35pm, so that gave us almost an hour free, saving us Dhs2!

The next good thing was even though there was a birthday party going on in the hall upstairs, there weren’t any kids using the playplace, so Caila was able to freely climb about and use the slides.

Good thing no. 3 was we had arrived some time before Hamburglar made his appearance in the party, and since no one was paying attention to the mascot that much, Caila and I were able to have our picture taken with him (although again, Caila didn’t want to...she just wanted to play!).

After more than an hour, I was beginning to get bored so the 3 of us (Ate Cel, Caila and I) went to look around Spinney’s. And that’s where we found White Maltesers! Ever since I tried a small pack of these last year, I’ve been looking everywhere for them, but to no avail...until yesterday! Hurray!

By the time we went back to McDonald’s, the birthday party was already over and the group for the next party was starting to arrive. This time, there weren’t that many people, so again Caila had free rein over the playplace. She thoroughly enjoyed herself!

So there you have ordinary night that brought us lots of unexpected good stuff. Don’t you just love times like this?!

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