
01 May 2011

why i want to get married again

It wasn’t because of Catherine's gown and it wasn’t their horse-drawn carriage either.
It was the first two public kisses that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge shared on the balcony of Buckingham Palace that made me kilig and want to get married again.
Here’s how it went (according to The Sun newspaper):
As he turned to his new wife for their first kiss, William, 28, said: "Kate, shall we? Shall we kiss. Come on. OK."
After they briefly touched lips William stood back, smiled and asked her: "That OK?"
Two minutes after their first smooch, William responded to chants from the crowd assembled below of "kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss," by asking his bride: "Do you want this? Takes a bit of getting used to.”
"Another kiss! One more? Let's give them another one. I love you. One more kiss - go on, come here."
The couple lingered longer for their second kiss, which lasted 1.25 seconds, before Kate, 29, pulled away with a huge smile on her face for the assembled crowd which lined The Mall below.
William is then said to have called time on their public displays of affection, saying: "That's it. No more, no more, I'm embarrassed."

Cute, right?
Ok. Ok. I admit, I loved her gown. It was conservative, yet modern and elegant. I was surprised that she didn’t have a long train, though. I expected it to be as long as Lady Diana’s when she got married to Prince Charles (which was 25 feet long). Catherine’s was only about 9 feet. But, I guess, she didn’t want to have to struggle with it when she got off her car, and also into the carriage, so she opted for a manageable length. Still, it was beautiful; fit for a prince’s wife.
As for the horse-drawn carriage, well, it wouldn’t be a royal wedding without one, would it? It’s so “fairy tale-ish.” And William and Kate’s love story is a sort of fairy tale, right? He’s a prince and she (even though her family is loaded) has no royal blood whatsoever.
But the kisses! They were...perfect! The new royal couple were a bit shy to kiss in public, but of course, with billions of people watching worldwide, who wouldn’t?! Obviously, both of them married for love and it showed in their eyes when they looked at each other, as well as their body language. I just hope it won’t end up happily never after.
I told hubby that for our silver wedding anniversary, I want us to celebrate it with a wedding...we’ll renew our vows at a huge church or cathedral with a long aisle, I’ll wear an elegant gown with a long train, we’ll ride a horse-drawn carriage to the reception, hire top suppliers from the wedding industry, the works! His answer? “No problem” because by then, our daughter should already be working so she can finance everything. =)
Yikes! Kawawang Caila!

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