
31 May 2011

our anniversary at atlantis

We took advantage of the hotel’s summer offer of Dhs895++ per night which is available until the 30th of September 2011. It’s a really great deal, considering that their rack rates are much, much higher...the lowest being Dhs3,100++ per night. We just made the reservation online and had no problems at all.

When hubby checked us in at the Reception last Friday, he was told that they were still preparing our room, so to pass away the time, we walked around the hotel.
First we went to the aquarium which had all sorts of sea creatures. Caila just couldn’t get enough of them! She kept staring...And staring...Even when we tried to take a picture with her, she wouldn’t turn aroundUntil I joined her amazement and she started counting the fishes for meFinally, she agreed to have her picture takenHubby and I took turns taking photos on the ThroneThen we entered The Lost Chambers where there were more fish, sharks, rays, jellyfish, lobsters, crabs, eels, and all sorts of sea creatures enclosed in glass cases with building wreckages, and also some metal sculptures were on displayWhile we were in the shopping area of the hotel, since we were too shy to ask a stranger to take our photo, we just stood in front of the cracked-designed mirror walls and took a photo of our reflection. Of course, our daughter just couldn't stand still long enoughHere's a miniature version of the hotelFinally, hubby received a call from Reception saying that our room was ready. When he collected our keys, we were told that since their lower level rooms were already fully booked, they had upgraded us to the 22nd floor!Incidentally, the same thing had happened to us for our wedding 3 years ago...and that time, we were also upgraded to the 22nd floor! This is our roomWe were immediately welcomed with this on the television screenBeing on the top-most floor of the hotel, we had a fantastic view of The PalmAnd the Royal Pool belowHubby and I were overjoyed with the room, the bed, and...practically everything!The deskThe bathroom (viewed from the room)The bathtub (which opened up beside the bed)The showerThe vanity counter in the bathroomAnd the free stuffAs for our daughter, when she saw Barney on TV, she immediately settled herself comfortably on the bedHere I am trying to have a picture taken with her. As you can see, she could not be botheredAfter we had settled in, we were finally able to pry Caila away from the TV so that we could try out Aquaventure.
Unfortunately, there were so many people (in-house and day guests) who were there so the place was practically crowded. Hubby left me with our daughter at the kids water playground to try the Leap of Faith, but the queue was so long, he got tired of waiting and returned to us instead. For about an hour, Caila sat in her floating car while we waded and swam beside her, allowing ourselves to be carried by the strong waves. By around 6pm, we decided to get out (despite our daughter’s protests) so that we could get ready for dinner.No reservation was required at Saffron, so we just went to the restaurant and gave our room number which the guy checked in their system. Their Dhs195 per person buffet offered a wide selection of delicious cuisines from Asia, but what we enjoyed most was the dessert which had all sorts of sweet stuff to choose from. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take any pictures at the restaurant. I completely forgot!
Back in our room, we brushed our teeth, changed our clothes, and Caila finished her milk. As soon as we jumped into bed, all of us immediately conked out. Our afternoon swim, accompanied with the excitement of actually being there, must have tired all of us out.
The next morning after breakfast, we headed to the Royal Pool where Caila sat on her car and hubby and I swam beside her. She didn’t want to have her picture taken...she just wanted to float around.Finally, it was time for us to leave, but not before hubby and I took turns having our pictures taken beside the Saffron signAnd with the lobby centerpiece as our backgroundAnd Caila just had to visit the aquarium one last time to say goodbye to the fishes.Thank you, Atlantis! We hope this isn't the first and last time!

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