
27 January 2011 make-up

This morning, I decided to wear make-up and use contact lenses instead of glasses.
I don’t know how to put on make-up and I’ve never worn make-up to the office before (I always just put on face powder and lipstick), so I just experimented with eye-liner, eye-shadow, mascara, blush, and red lipstick.
The effect? Well, let’s put it this way...I received a lot of compliments from my colleagues today.
When someone told me that I should wear make-up often and get rid of my glasses, I told her I didn’t want to. Aside from taking too much time, “mas maganda kung bihira ako mag-ganito kasi kung lagi akong naka-ayos, parang magiging normal lang at di na ako papansinin; compared sa bihira ako magme-make-up, mas kapansin-pansin pag naka-ayos ako.”
Di ba nga?!

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