
05 September 2010

flower hotdog

Yesterday, I came down with dry cough and colds. I think I got it from hubby because he had it since Wednesday. In the morning, I just began to cough from time to time; but it got worse in the afternoon because the a/c of the car I was driving was directly hitting my face and it couldn’t be adjusted; I couldn’t turn it off either because the weather was scorching hot.
As soon as I arrived at home after my driving class, I changed my clothes and plopped myself on the couch beside hubby with a pillow and blanket. He had put on some episodes of Glee, but since I had already watched them, I took a nap instead.
By 6:30pm, he had finished watching and started to prepare dinner. There were a lot of leftovers that just needed re-heating so he cooked hotdogs for our lunch the next day. I had already woken up and was just staring at the TV when he sat down on the couch beside me and said “Mahal, this is for you." And this is what I saw:

Cheesy, I know, but I really appreciated it. Maybe I was miserably sick, but his gesture was really sweet and thoughtful. It didn’t help me get better, but it sure lifted up my spirits.
Thank you, Mahal. I love you *huge smiling face* (hehehe).

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