
11 September 2010

eid al fitr date

For the first day of Eid Al Fitr, hubby and I went out on a date.

In the morning, we went to the Galleria Ice Rink at Hyatt Regency. It was the first time for both of us to actually ice-skate, so for the first 30 minutes, we were just staying at the sides of the rink. After I became used to the skates, I began to boldly let go of the sides bit by bit, until I was able to go into the center of the rink. Hubby, having had no experience at all even with roller blades, kept staying near the sides most of the time. There was an instructor teaching a student how to skate, so hubby tried copying what they were doing. I landed on my butt once and hubby fell twice. It hurt, but both of us were enjoying ourselves too much to dwell on the pain. It was a good thing that there were just a few of us using the rink, ‘cause it gave us enough space to skate around at our own pace. We kept laughing at ourselves every time we fell or slid around to maintain our balance, it was like we were kids again.
Finally at 12nn, we decided to leave and have lunch.

We went straight to our favorite mall (Dubai Festival City) for subs at Charley’s and ice-cream at McDonald’s. We had planned to go bowling after lunch, but when we passed by the cinema and saw that Step Up 3-D was already showing, we decided to watch that instead. However, we had to wait for more than an hour because it had already started, so we just walked around the mall to pass away the time.

We went window shopping until we ended up at Toys R Us where hubby played PS3 and I tried fencing and bowling on Wii. I would have played longer if not for the little boy who went up to me with his hand out, saying “My turn! My turn!” We finally decided to leave and head for the cinema since the movie was about to start.

It was our first time to watch a movie on 3D so we were both excited. We thought the 3D glasses they were going to give us were the typical cardboard ones with blue and red lens, but what they gave us were actual 3D glasses. The story was similar to Step Up 1 and 2, but it was entertaining just the same. The effects were amazing and the dance steps were really cool! I wish I could dance like them. After the movie, I just had to have a picture beside the movie poster with my glasses on. I didn’t care if there were so many people walking around or looking at me. I wanted a remembrance of my first 3D movie.

We then headed to HyperPanda for groceries, and finally went back to our apartment to a dinner of take-home California Maki and leftover pizza.

It was a great day and I think it was a first for both of us to go out where we did so many things that we enjoyed doing together. I wonder when our next date will be?

Eid Mubarak everyone!

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