
27 September 2010

assessment test: passed

Yesterday, I left the office early because my Assessment Test was scheduled for 3:30pm. Since this test is similar to the Road Test, I was expecting to take it with 3 other students. I was wrong...I was the only one with the lady examiner.
Once we were in the car, I did the regular checks with the seat, mirrors and instrument panel, fastened my seatbelt and turned on the engine. On her signal to start, I put the handbrake down, shifted to reverse gear, pulled out of the parking space and started driving.
All throughout, I kept reminding myself to relax and stay calm. All I heard from the examiner was either go left, go right, take the U-turn, etc. There were turns, roundabouts and merging lanes that I had to go through as well.
After about 7 minutes, she told me to return to the school and park the car. I made a mistake then because I didn’t understand where she wanted me to park it, almost ending up in a slanted position. Fortunately, I was able to adjust the car into the box where it was parked earlier. As soon as I turned off the engine, she gave me her comments. She said my driving was generally ok, but there were times when the positioning of the car was not correct, particularly when we were turning right at a roundabout and when I was making a U-turn. She didn’t say if I had passed or not, so I was still nervous when we went to her office.
Finally, once we were seated, she wrote ASSESSMENT TEST PASSED on my paper and signed it (it was supposed to be stamped but she couldn’t find the stamp). I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief! She said she would schedule my Road Test for next week and I should continue to take my driving classes until then (which means I have to pay a bit more for the additional classes).
So...Five tests down, one more (and hopefully the last) to go.

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