
18 August 2010

a blessed day!

Last week, our office received a notice from DEWA (Dubai Electricity & Water Authority) that there would be a scheduled electricity interruption in our area from 6:30am to 10:15am on the 18th of August. Because of this, our Deputy General Manager decided that we would start work today at 10:30am...which is what we did. All of us expected that since we started the day late, we would have to work until 4:30pm. Fortunately, our DGM decided that since it was Ramadan and most of the offices would be closed by 2pm, we didn’t have to extend anymore. For me, I could leave at 1pm, meaning I only had to work for 2 ½ hours today. Yaaaaayyy!!!

Tonight, hubby and I are going to Metropolitan Hotel because their Sales Executive invited me (with hubby) for Iftar and a tour around the hotel. Instant date for me and Guchi...double Yaaaaayyy!!!

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